Over the last several years Hollywood has rapidly tried to destroy the narrative that a woman needs a man in any way shape or form. A movie Trope that infuriates modern-day feminists is the idea of a man coming to save a woman who is in distress.

John Wilson/Netflix – © 2023 NETFLIX, INC.

As a result of this, you’ve probably noticed in many modern movies whenever a woman finds herself in a pickle she usually finds a way to free herself from the situation before any man can come and save her. Hollywood has decided whether you like it or not that they’re going to get rid of the Trope of a Damsel in Distress. 

The home of progressive cinematic rot also known as Netflix is making their attempt at doing the same thing.  Millie Bobby Brown has made so much money as a teenager for Netflix, that she has become Netflix’s golden cow. Now that the actress is over 18 she has been placed in numerous films as the lead hoping that audiences will love her portrayal and stranger things so much that they would watch anything that she’s involved in.

Her latest project is a film simply entitled Damsel. Damsel is about a future Princess named Elodie, who receives a proposal from Queen Isabelle to marry Prince Henry. Elodie and Henry initially both seem disinterested in each other but begin to bond as they share a desire to travel the world.

John Wilson/Netflix – © 2023 NETFLIX, INC.

Elodie’s stepmother, Lady Bayford played by Angela Bassett does not trust the royal family but against her wishes, Elodie continues with the wedding. Elodie and Henry take part in an ancient ritual in the mountains where she discovers that the Queen is a priestess who made a pact with a dragon to sacrifice his three daughters for peace. Elodie is thrown into the pits and is forced to survive a battle with a fire-breathing dragon with the fate of her people on the line. 

Damsel is another example of Hollywood moving forward with an idea but not having the imagination to tell a story. The idea was to create a film that empowers women,  however, for a dark fantasy movie this film has a short story. The central focus of the film is Elodie’s battle with a dragon that is out for her blood and that is as far as The Story Goes. As a fantasy movie, the film Lacks creativity to create a universe that audiences can get lost in. A generic evil royal family tricks a generic naive girl into battle with a generic Talking Dragon.

The film’s place is all of its eggs in making Elodie a strong female protagonist and it drops the ball with virtually every other crucial detail of the film. Millie Bobby Brown makes a solid attempt at making this film work however the problem lies in the fact that as an actress there isn’t much for her to work with considering the fact most of her scenes are with a CGI dragon.

John Wilson/Netflix – © 2023 NETFLIX, INC.

Brown essentially acts to carry a movie that doesn’t have much going for it outside of her being the main character, which is Netflix’s way of assuming that everyone who watches Stranger Things will also watch this film based on an algorithm. Well the film is pandering to The Stranger Things audience,  they don’t know which section of that audience depends on her.

The film is a bit too violent for a younger crowd yet it’s too dull for an adult audience making it a film right down the middle which is essentially a mediocre film across the board. The film’s run time is nearly 2 hours making it at least 20 minutes too long considering the value of the content the film possesses. 

Damsel is a film that assumes that its audience is going to be into girl power messaging throughout the movie however as we’ve seen with recent Hollywood films that have attempted to popularize this concept audiences are not very receptive to it it’ll be very doubtful that audience will be receptive to this film as well.

John Wilson/Netflix – © 2023 NETFLIX, INC.

Damsel certainly isn’t a terrible movie and nowhere near as bad as Hulu’s The Princess by comparison but at the end of the day, this is essentially a Content film for the platform that doesn’t offer much more than a one-time viewing and maybe a satisfying experience along the way. Damsel is a film that is about as maltose as you can get.


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