10 years ago, Warner Brothers decided they needed to play catchup with the Marvel Cinematic Universe. They decided to create their cinematic Universe with their superheroes. 10 years later, that Superhero universe is deader than the New York Jets’ chances of ever winning another Super Bowl.

Warner Bros

Things are so bad for the DCU, they pretty much told you there’s no reason to go watch this movie before it even released with James Gunn taking over the lead role as the new head of the Warner Brothers.

There’s one thing that we know for certain is that this film is the final film we’ll ever see of the DCU as it stands and after watching films such as The Flash, Blue Beetle, Shazam 2, and Black Adam fail at the box office I don’t think we need to see another superhero movie from the Warner Brothers library at all. 

Aquaman 2 brings back Jason Mamoa as Aqua Bro as he finds himself head-to-head with his old Nemesis Black Manta. Aqua Bro is trying to live a normal life raising his kid with his wife, however, Atlantis is far more concerned with humans and their effect on the planet. This movie is about climate change, however when David Clan who still wants to kill Aqua bro after the events of the last movie gets his hand on Canaan artifacts he finds a black Trident that leads him to be possessed by his creator.

Warner Bros

This film was dead in the water the second it was announced. Stories were circling on the internet about Jason Momoa or playing a whole different character in the DCU moving forward not to mention there were reports of bad test screenings for led them to rewrite most of the ending Aquaman 2 is a movie where no one is motivated to push this franchise forward cuz they already have one foot out the door.

Jason Momoa’s Aquaman is similar to Chris Hemsworth’s Thor. The goofiness of their characters has overshadowed any seriousness or is supposed to have with the character while the film isn’t as annoying as something written by Taika Waititi.

It isn’t as funny as a film written by him. People argue to this day whether superhero fatigue is real. You could thank Warner Brothers and Sony for muddying the waters so much that now people are sick and tired of the latest superhero film that they have to see. If the filmmakers took as much time to make a compelling superhero movie as they did making a lecture about climate change perhaps they could have inspired people to get their butts off the couch and into the theaters.

Warner Bros

A lot has been made about Amber Heard’s appearance in this film and yes she does play a significant role in the movie. This problem is that Warner Brothers has a major problem with hiring the right people to portray these roles for a film that costs over $200 million to produce. The visual effects are lacking here, unless your name is James Cameron it’s not a good idea to have 90% of your film be blue screen.

If you’ve seen one mediocre superhero film in the last 10 years then you already have seen this movie. There’s no post-credit scenes to get you excited for the next film that you won’t see for another 5 years and you won’t be too motivated to even watch this film on Max in a couple of months.

Warner Bros

Aquaman 2 is just like the overwhelming majority of films in the DCU not good enough to be good not bad enough to be bad but it’s mid enough to be mediocre


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