Someone clearly didn’t think this through.

Hollywood is still reeling from the Georgia decision to buck their progressive agenda and finalize a bill that will ban abortions once the heartbeat of the baby is detected. Hollywood celebrities (you know, from California) have called on a boycott of Georgia as long as the bill stands as law. One of the most vocal people behind this movement, actress Alyssa Milano, is now calling for women to take a stand for abstinence.

On Twitter, Milano made the following call under the hashtag #SexStrike

“Our reproductive rights are being erased.
Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.
JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back.
I’m calling for a . Pass it on.”

Yes, until pro-choice women are allowed to have abortions with no restrictions in certain states, they are calling to make a stand against unprotected sexual encounters and choosing to not have sex at all…something conservatives have been calling for since ‘almost’ forever.

The irony was not lost on many right wing voices who applauded Milano’s heel turn from progressivism.

But of course, it wouldn’t be a day on progressive Twitter without one take that makes you go, “Did you eat lead as a child following a severe concussion?”

“Watching all of the Republicans attack Alyssa Milano’s Sex Strike, shows us clearly that they aren’t really “pro-life” after all, but instead essentially “pro-rape.”
Anyone criticizing the #SexStrike is openly saying they don’t believe women have a choice to have sex.
— Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) May 11, 2019

We will continue to monitor the growing number of progressive men who just became incels.



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5 responses to “Alyssa Milano Screws Liberal Men Out Of Unprotected Sex By Promoting Abstinence”

  1. I suspect for the vast majority of the pussy hatters this won’t be any change whatsoever.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And of course Ed “The Propagandist” Krassenstein deleted the tweet. Because he knows he’s lying though his keyboards. Why is he and his brother allowed to run a news media site if there just going to push propaganda?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The idea of denying men sex as a mass political movement has always been interesting, but the reality of the situation is that women are not a homogenous political demographic like collectivists would want. There’s plenty of women that are anti-abortion, and plenty that love their boyfriends and husbands, and don’t collectively blame all men for it to work.

    Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy.

    I love how this idiot is having to take responsibility for the risk of pregnancy for once. It’s not like men take any risks related to pregnancy. Nope. Child support, “deadbeat dads”, and “shotgun weddings” have never been a thing.

    “Normally I’d just have unprotected sex all the time, but now, I just can’t risk it because of the legal consequences!”

    Congratulations! You’re thinking like a man.

    Anyone criticizing the #SexStrike is openly saying they don’t believe women have a choice to have sex.

    Ha ha ha. You’re telling men that they don’t have a choice either you stupid fuckwit. Sex requires 2 party consent. I’m sure you just assumed men wanted to have sex with you. You’re not fucking worth the effort.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so very much 😘


  5. How long till the Milano-esque Troops get on to the Strike Breakers? (How can people find these strike breakers? I haven’t found an advert for scabs lately).

    Liked by 1 person

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