A young Ukrainian immigrant, who moved to Canada and somehow doesn’t have a Ukrainian or Canadian accent, gets super butthurt because the bank fired his mother for possibly legitimate reasons. So Alex gains access to the ‘Dark Web’ using Google (because that’s how it works) and becomes a tool for a secret criminal enterprise that the US government would have surely shut down in about 5 minutes. Alex spends the entire film talking about getting payback on the bank but doesn’t do anything to get it. His only plan blows up in his face immediately and outside of that, he and his equally stupid friends just rip off businesses for cash and jewelry and the film actually wants you to feel sorry for this guy.

There literally isn’t any reason to root for this guy or be on his side. He’s a whiny 18-year-old with mommy issues who rips people off to buy his next expensive watch. The film fails at being realistic, entertaining, and sympathetic but at least you get some really cool shots of Hong Kong right? By the time we get to the ending, a confusing and poorly explained double cross is left on a cliffhanger and we learn nothing about what actually happened in the last 40 minutes of the film. Even if you were waiting for an oil change to your car and needed 90 minutes to kill, I wouldn’t recommend this to you. This movie is a complete waste of time even for a Redbox rental. Anonymous (or Hacker depending on what country you are in) is a film that if it were in any way realistic, the main character would have been arrested or killed in his first attempt to sell stolen watches. Final Verdict, leave the Mr. Robot plot to the USA Network.



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One response to “Anonymous (Hacker) Review: A Cheap Cheap Waste Of Time”

  1. In Stone Cold we trust!

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